Best Loan Consolidation Made Easy

We Can Help You Eliminate Debt Without Filling For Bankruptcy

We have the most ethical, realistic and responsible way to reduce or eliminate your unsupportable debt.

We have saved businesses from bankruptcy all over the country, working with every major bank and creditor.

Ask yourself these questions:

Do You Qualify For a Debt Consolidation Loan?

See if you qualify to combine all your monthly payments into one.

If you answered YES

to any of the 4 questions above debt management may be right for your small business.

Results, Debt Restructuring

See example of successful debt restructuring offered to our clients in need of immediate cash flow. Debt restructuring does not decrease your debt. Debt restructuring immediately frees cash and increases cashflow. This option is great for businesses that are facing problems in need of immediate help.

usually reduce the total amount
you owe

How Does Debt Settlement Work?


Why do creditors agree to a lower
payoff amount?

There’s a lower chance they’ll get the money back the longer a debt in unpaid.

Creditors can cut their losses by offering a lower payment amount.

Settlement helps lower the risk of a debtor filing bankruptcy and having debt discharged.

Combines all of your debts into one
monthly payment

How Does Debt Consolidation Work?

Consolidation can involve a Debt
Management Plan (DMP)

Or a Debt Consolidation Loan (DCL)

Proven Strategy
Combine all your monthly payments into one. Save interest and reduce total loan amount due to creditors.
Reduce Payments
With consolidation loans your payments will go down because you don’t pay interest. Lower payments equals more money for you!
Results Matter
If you feel your interest payments are to high or not affordable see if you qualify for a debt consolidation loan.
All Annual Percentage Rates (APRs) range from 3% to maximum 6% including all applicable fees such as the origination fee. Repayment periods range from 12-48 months. For example a $10,000 loan with a 6% APR in a 12 month term would have an estimated $883.33 monthly payment with a total payback of $10,600. This (APR) is compliant with the Truth in Lending Act (TILA). You may NOT qualify for this loan. By using our content, products & services you agree to our Privacy Policy. This loan is subject to review, you must fit all our standards upon review to qualify. This page is used for advertising purposes. Read About Us to learn more about Axis Consulting.

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