One of the biggest values within the Salesforce CRM to date has been the data analysis and reporting tools. Companies with large volumes of high-quality data in their Salesforce CRM have been reaping the benefits for years, as the various reports have let them drill down into some extremely granular, but important details of their business.
The addition of the new Lightning UI has yielded a bevy of new visual upgrades to the reports, so now all that powerful data is super easy on the eyes, and allows companies to get that impactful, visual understanding of what is going on.
If all of that wasn’t enough, last month Salesforce announced that they will be purchasing Tableau for $15.7B. Tableau is one of the leading data analytics and visualization platforms on the market, and such a large purchase is sure to yield significant results to the Salesforce platform.
Speculation is high on just exactly how Salesforce and Tableau will work together, especially considering that Salesforce already has its Einstein AI and Analytics platform up and running.
The takeover is sure to be slow, as the two large companies find a way to mesh, and the technologies slowly integrate.
However, down the road, we are sure to see all of that Tableau technology popping up here and there in Salesforce. And those already awesome looking Lightning Reports? Who knows, but there’s a decent chance we will start seeing even more improvements and upgrades.
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