Accelerate Your Analytics Build with Einstein Analytics Templates

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Home >> Accelerate Your Analytics Build with Einstein Analytics Templates

Recently, I have finally got closer to Einstein Analytics. It’s a nice reunion, as I had used it in the past when it was still ‘Wave’ (Einstein Analytics’ former name), but back then, the product was different – it didn’t have the connectors! For background on this product, I recommend you check out this post: 2019 Update: How Wave Evolved Into Salesforce Einstein Analytics

One of the things I saw when I revisited Einstein Analytics are ‘Templates’. Templates can really accelerate the build of dashboards, data flows and lenses with just a few clicks – and so, they are something we should all take advantage of! The Salesforce Einstein Analytics team has built these with best-practice KPIs that apply to businesses in many industries, so that you can customise it for your org and get up-and-running quickly.

The templates do all the legwork needed to optimize, enrich, analyze, and pull in the data required for specific business needs. This automates the process of pulling in data from all the different Salesforce objects, for example, all the data necessary for pipeline trending: Accounts, Opportunities, Products, and Owners.

It’s as simple as creating an ‘App’ and selecting ‘Start from Template’. Follow the wizard steps, as it guides you through the creation of the app, asking questions about how you store data in your Salesforce org and how you’d like to view the data in your app:

Depending on the Template you have created, it will ask you relevant questions to customise it in the fields that are appropriate for what you are trying to achieve.

Pretty cool, huh? Then whilst it gets busy doing all of this, you can go and have a stretch and in few minutes it’ll be ready:

Then, from the Analytics home page, you can access your newly created App. Each one has a Home or Overview dashboard which is linked to many others, a good place to start:

Then, you can drill down, either by filters or clicking anywhere of interest, auto-magically all related components will be updated on the selection. The Einstein Analytics product is a very powerful data visualization tool.

My favourite thing about the product overall, is how it is integrated with Salesforce. Simply from the App builder, you can drag the component ‘Einstein Analytics Dashboard’ and select which active dashboard you want to display, it couldn’t be easier!

Or from Einstein Analytics you can post to Chatter:

For me this is a big bravo for the team behind the scenes! I hope this is the direction for all acquired products will head towards: seamless integration and user experience to, at least, the core Salesforce cloud products.

There are tonnes of different ones available to get you started, from industry specific or line of business:

Einstein Analytics Templates

Shared with CloudApp


Outside of templates, of course you can extend Einstein Analytics using building blocks, but these templates get you in the product, using it with your own data. If you want to learn more on Analytics App Template Development, there is a Trailhead module just for you!

This post first appeared in SalesforceBen

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