SALESFORCE >> DemandTools


Businesses of all sizes and tens of thousands of Administrators, Sales and Marketing Operations professionals worldwide.

– Flexible and customizable deduplication capable of merging standard and custom objects.
– Lead to Contact and Lead to Account deduplication and conversion
– ETL / Import modules that support XLS, MDB, UDL (SQL/Oracle etc) data sources and double-byte characters.
– Mass data manipulation capabilities that don’t require import/export.
– Object counts and field sums for master-detail and lookup relationships
– Ability to compare external data sources like spreadsheets to any object and return the field level details of identified matches.
– Grid-based interface to expedite manual data modification and alignment.

DemandTools, part of Validity for Data Management, is a 64bit .NET Windows smart client application that installs on your desktop or laptop computers. Installation takes less than 15 minutes & immediately extends an administrator’s control of Salesforce data. PeopleImport and DupeBlocker are now included with your DemandTools subscription for the ultimate data quality suite.


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About Axis Consulting

At Axis Consulting, we help companies streamline their process with automation by unlocking the power of technology. From Salesforce Implementation to Custom App Development and beyond, we deliver powerful results that strengthen your business.