SALESFORCE >> GetFeedback


– Build beautiful, mobile-ready surveys with easy-to-use survey builder
– Choose from a library of pre-built survey question types and survey templates, including Net Promoter Score, Customer Effort Score, and Employee Engagement

– Create workflows to automatically send surveys after specific interactions, like case closed or opportunity lost for real-time, contextual feedback
– Distribute surveys on the channels that work for your customers: email, Salesforce Chat (Live Agent), Salesforce Messaging, Salesforce Communities, mobile app, and website
– Embed survey questions and Salesforce data in “One-Touch Emails” to double response rates; export HTML and VisualForce email templates
– Send One-Touch email through Salesforce, Pardot, Marketing Cloud, GetFeedback, or any email provider

– Map survey responses to any standard or custom object
– Analyze feedback data in Salesforce Reports and Dashboards, GetFeedback Dashboards, or Excel/CSV Export
– Identify keywords and sentiment with Text Analytics

– Notify key stakeholders of critical feedback and quickly follow up with customers to close the loop and strengthen relationships

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About Axis Consulting

At Axis Consulting, we help companies streamline their process with automation by unlocking the power of technology. From Salesforce Implementation to Custom App Development and beyond, we deliver powerful results that strengthen your business.