salesforce >> PandaDoc - Proposals, Quotes, eSignatures, and Contract Management for Sales

PandaDoc – Proposals, Quotes, eSignatures, and Contract Management for Sales

Price: Starting at $89 USD per user per month

Install App Sales documents that close
PandaDoc empowers your sales team to create, send, track, and eSign beautiful proposals and quotes. Request a demo at

Create and deliver beautiful sales proposals, contracts, and quotes right inside Salesforce in mere minutes. Simply launch PandaDoc from any Salesforce object and merge important prospect and customer details directly into your sales documents.

The Salesforce PandaDoc integration includes unlimited legally-binding eSignatures with every subscription. There is no need to purchase separate electronic signature software. Simplify processes and increase efficiencies with a unified workflow.

Close deals faster with our detailed document analytics that shows when your proposals, quotes, and contracts were opened, viewed, and completed. We’ll even show you how long your prospect or customer spent on each page of your document.

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At Axis Consulting, we help companies streamline their process with automation by unlocking the power of technology. From Salesforce Implementation to Custom App Development and beyond, we deliver powerful results that strengthen your business.