Pipedrive >> Dedupely


by Dedupely Software, Inc.

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Duplicate records are a pain. Sales teams waste too many hours hunting down and merging duplicates by hand.

Dedupely streamlines the task of finding and merging duplicates. It allows you to match duplicates by any field. Fuzzy matching logic handles alternative spelling and spelling mistakes.

Auto merging allows you to automate the process you used to do by hand, cleaning up new duplicates that enter your account every day.

The integration deduplicates People, Organizations and Deals. Merges combine the best data from each duplicate match and condense them into one record. All linked items tasks, calls, etc. are re-assigned to the resulting record so nothing gets lost.

Save your team an unreasonable amount of time so they can spend more time focusing on your customers.


Setup and installation
Get a Free Trial in 3 steps: 1. Click “Install” at the top right corner and “Allow” Dedupely access to Pipedrive.
2. You’ll be asked for your name, email and company information.
3. Your sync will start and once done you can start deduplicating your data.

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At Axis Consulting, we help companies streamline their process with automation by unlocking the power of technology. From Salesforce Implementation to Custom App Development and beyond, we deliver powerful results that strengthen your business.