
Feed Pipedrive with fresh deals with one click!

Use our Google Chrome extension to find email addresses from any website or professional network.

Start sending cold emails using our drip campaigns feature and automatically send these prospects to Pipedrive based on what they do (open your email, click on a link, reply, etc.)

You’ll never have to manually create a deal in Pipedrive again!

Setup and installation

  1. Log into your Pipedrive account
  2. Sign up to Overloop at click here
  3. Click on your initials at the bottom left of the screen and navigate to “Integrations” from the user menu
  4. Click the “Connect App” button
  5. Select Pipedrive
  6. Configure your integration:
  • Copy emails: Decide if you want the content of the emails to be transferred to Pipedrive. Transferring will allow you to keep all your conversation history with a prospect handy. A contact will be created in Pipedrive, even if a deal hasn’t been created yet (see below).
  • User Mapping: Set up the mapping between users and Pipedrive users.
  1. Click on “Save” and you’re set!
  2. Once your Pipedrive connection is set, navigate to “Workflows” and click the “Create Workflow” button
  3. Choose a trigger, i.e., the condition on which your workflow should be executed
  4. Define a segment to filter the prospects you’d like to send to Pipedrive
  5. Choose Pipedrive as the destination
  6. Select the stage in which your deals should be created
  7. Review your workflow and save

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About Axis Consulting

At Axis Consulting, we help companies streamline their process with automation by unlocking the power of technology. From Salesforce Implementation to Custom App Development and beyond, we deliver powerful results that strengthen your business.