From shopping to socializing, everything is carried out online these days. We’re never without our smartphones, using them multiple times a day to research and find out information on top of communication and social media.
As we’re a nation addicted to the online world, you’ll already be aware that you absolutely need a website for your business no matter how small or localised you are.
But what makes your business website successful? Many put off having one in fear of dealing with hosting, coding, or calling in a web developer. But, you needn’t worry about this – there are so many easy to create websites out there that let you amend templates as you please and without the need of a professional.
If you’re an entrepreneur, you will need to have an attractive, fully functioning website, but it needs something else running alongside it: a blog.
Read on to explore why entrepreneurs need to understand the importance of running a business website and a blog that work in tandem together to succeed.
Content brings traffic
If someone is told about your business, the first thing they’ll do is head online to find your website. With that in mind, you should always make the landing page professional and easy to navigate, as first impressions count.
However, another way people can discover your business website is via content. For example, perhaps you are a retailer of sports equipment and clothing. Someone could be searching the internet for a guide to at-home weights, and an article from your website could appear in their search.
They click it, and they are taken to your site. After they have found your article useful, they notice you stock an array of dumbbells. You could receive a purchase from this journey.
Having a blog as part of your website is the perfect place to host your related content. It provides a space to be as creative as you like with news, advice and guides, or it can even act as a place to host interactive content, like videos.
Understand Business Management Theory
If you are an entrepreneur and feel passionate about a business idea or service, it’s important to fully understand the management theory side. There are courses you can take which lead you into today’s modern world of how to run a business at directorship level, teaching you how to create strategies that cover all the modern-day aspects of business.
With today’s degrees and masters, you’ll find they cover many of the online areas you should be knowledgeable in as part of marketing theories and growth.
You won’t get left behind, and you’ll be taught that websites rely on content as there is more to running a successful business than just having a smart looking website live. You can visit this site here to learn more about completing an MBA, the best degree for covering business and management topics in-depth.
Encourage the Use of Backlinking
If you have produced some insightful articles or guides on your blog, or embedded a great video tutorial, you give people something to link out to.
This could be either backlinking in the form of social media linking or backlinking from a certain website. Both types of backlinking are excellent for your site but in very different ways.
If you embed a video of yourself or a fitness influencer carrying out fitness hacks and someone finds it fascinating, they can copy the link to the page and share it over their Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn accounts. Of course, this can be done for the other pages on your website, but you may struggle to find the right landing page to host multiple fitness hack videos. This is where a blog is perfect.
People can tag others into these social media posts, bringing new eyes to your video and encouraging people to click the link and visit your website.
However, the other important opportunity that link building brings is for other websites to want to share your content on theirs, linking out to your informative content. Perhaps one of your fitness hack videos is discovered by a lifestyle journalist, who references it on a big news site when doing a round-up piece on video tutorials. When a high authority site links back to your site, search engines read this as positive, which in time will help you rise in search engine ranking systems.
Remember that as much as a well-thought through, easy-to-navigate and professional website is key to your business, a blog can take it that little bit further. Use it as your space to communicate anything extra that doesn’t quite sit on the website.
We promise you won’t regret it!
This post first appeared on SalesforceBen
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